Wow! I just keep racking it up in the plus column.
I placed a publishing timeline for my future chapbooks on Sonoran Dawn Poetry today. Four books of poetry in the next three years. 2017 will see two publications.
The Descent came out in 2016 with great success.
I look forward to sharing more creative writing next year. I began Sonoran Dawn Studios to explore my creative side, but I began with releasing more nonfiction than anything else. I think I will turn the tables for next year's publishing focus and release more creative writing.
I am seeking to have a balance in my writing publications so every aspect is available to potential readers. I would like to see all my publishing spotlights filled with an array of options.
That is why I chose the independent, self publishing route: I wanted to write my way. Too often agents and publishing houses cram you into one genre or characterization instead of realizing writers write more than one topic. I write from supernatural to science fiction. My poetry is even more diverse!
I hope you enjoy what is coming up next and keep the positive reviews coming!
Have a literary day.